Our Origins

About SAGE

SAGE offers premium cold-pressed oils sourced from France. The unique triple combination of prune, blackberry, and raspberry oils provides nourishment for dry skin and helps restore a natural glow from head to toe. Experience the benefits of Mother Nature with SAGE. Treat yourself inside and out with our signature product

Our product has undergone testing on individuals affected by acne scarring, those with depigmentation concerns, mothers who have given birth to five children, and frontline healthcare workers with damaged hands. After a year of rigorous testing, we can confidently assert that our product is suitable for all skin types. We have created a single natural product that caters to everyone's needs.

At SAGE, we are dedicated to sustainability and utilize eco-friendly packaging made from recycled sugarcane fibers and biomass ink. We are excited to announce the launch of our product and are deeply moved by the positive feedback we have received from both our domestic and international customers.

My Story in a Nutshell

My story

As a mother of three young children, I have witnessed how skincare can profoundly impact people's daily lives. From coping with our eldest son's birth condition of vitiligo and eczema to addressing issues like infected rashes and baby acne, we were initially limited to seeking medical assistance. Our recourse involved resorting to laser treatments and steroid creams for treatment. Despite attempting various therapies with minimal results, we found ourselves constantly scheduling appointments and pushing our stroller from one end of Tokyo to the other in pursuit of a miraculous solution.

Engaging in conversations with other women and friends, I uncovered a shared interest in cold-pressed skincare. We sought products that are not only fragrance-free, organic, and suitable for all genders but also environmentally friendly, coral-safe, and equipped with protection against both free radicals and sun exposure. The culmination of this journey marked the genesis of Sage Beauty Oil, a precious offering from Mother Nature that I am enthusiastic to share with all of humanity.

Business partner companies

Business Partners

Yokohama Bluff Clinic, obstetrics and gynecology department at a major hospital in Minato Ward
Yokohama hair salon Ambrosia
Tokyo Hair Salon Omotesando JILBLAN
Yokohama Hair Salon, Agora - Agora Rudy Organic Yokohama Motomachi Tokyo Major Department Store Ginza
GreenBase Mother Farm Glamping